Gulliver travel ''mini'' rebranding
New visual identity of Gulliver travel – a blend of long-standing tradition and contemporary trends in visual design.
(Dubrovnik, 6 May 2019) We are proud to present you the "mini" rebranding of Gulliver travel, a result of the "evolution" of our business and identity. The goal of rebranding was to create a recognizable and contemporary visual identity that is not just a logo.
We approached rebranding as we approach all of our projects, passionately and with diligence. Before creating a new visual identity, we set four key questions: What are our values? What is our purpose? Who are our partners and what do we want them to communicate to them? What sets us apart from our competition? Answers to these questions made the foundation on which we built the rebranding story, bearing in mind the long-standing tradition of Gulliver travel, as well as the modern trends of visual design of the 21st century. Our longstanding partner agency Idea Studio has provided support and creative solutions.
We have built a look & feel that will successfully communicate our brand through a new recognizable font, expanded color palette, which now, with our traditional red, black and white, includes gray and darker, more subtle red color and the distinctive visual element of connected dots that communicate our long-standing successful mission of connecting destinations and people.
Our visual identity has changed and will change in future, too. What remains the same is our commitment to business and providing a competent partnership in destination management.