Dubrovnik Summer Festival actors join Gulliver motorcycle excursion

Senka Bulić, Mada Peršić, Paško Vukasović, Marko Mandić, Stipe Kostanić and Miki Solus on the Dubrovnik coast
(Dubrovnik, 14th July 2015) Part of the cast of The Elementary Particles, premiering July 20th at the Dubrovnik Summer Festival, revelled in a Gulliver motorcycle excursion of the Dubrovnik coast.
The excursion is part of Gulliver Easy Ride, offering adventurous spirits an opportunity to discover the Dubrovnik Riviera and the neighbouring countries of Montenegro and Bosnia-Herzegovina in an entirely different way – riding Yamaha XVS950A Midnight Star and Yamaha XT 1200Z Super Tenere World Traveler motorcycles. The excursion and tour offer is a Gulliver exclusive with a motorcycle rental option.
See the photo gallery to find out how Senka Bulić, Mada Peršić, Paško Vukasović, Marko Mandić, Stipe Kostanić and Miki Solus enjoyed the excursion.