Gulliver Travel and Agrotourism Konavle in eco action

Marked the World Environment Day by cleaning the protected area of River Ljuta in Konavle
(Dubrovnik, 4th June 2011) On Saturday, June 4, 2011 Agrotourism Konavle and Gulliver Travel organized the cleaning of the protected area of River Ljuta to mark the World Environment Day (June 5). Apart from the employees of Gulliver Travel, members of Agrotourism Konavle, other institutions and non-governmental organizations, the local population and Ivo Mujo, Deputy Minister of Tourism of the Republic of Croatia also participated in the action.
The idea of marking the World Environment Day came from Gulliver Travel. Gulliver Travel is a part of the TUI Travel PLC that pays special attention to sustainable development and one of the actions it implements is also a “Sustainable week” that is being held within the whole group from May 30 to June 5. This ecological action was Gulliver’s contribution to the “Sustainable week”. In order for the entire idea to take on a local character with the aim of increasing awareness of sustainable development issues we included the Agroutourism Konavle and the local population who accepted our invitation and became an active part of this initiative.
The environment of River Ljuta was chosen because River Ljuta in Konavle, i.e. its upper stream is a protected park of nature, whereas the water and stamp mills are a protected cultural monument. The source of River Ljuta is in Konavle hills, not far from the village Ljuta. A system of water and stamp mills was built on this cascading river. It consisted of eight watermills for flour, two watermills for oil and three stamp mills. When the Republic of Dubrovnik bought Konavle, there were four watermills on the upper stream of the river. After 1550, the entire system called “lower mills” was build and has been preserved to this day.
We would like to accent that Gulliver Travel strives to promote the principles of social responsibility and ecological awareness within its business policies and its strategy. Along with acting responsible in its everyday activities in accordance with the stated principles, this action represents the continuation of our constant involvement in activities of such character.