Gulliver Travel and TUI in environmental action

Nature Protection Day marked by cleaning Zlatni Rt – Punta Corrente Beach in Rovinj
(Dubrovnik, 20th July 2015) On Friday, July 17, 2015 at 08:30 am Gulliver Travel and TUI Group organized the cleaning of Zlatni Rt – Punta Corrente Beach in Rovinj and its surroundings to mark the Nature Protection Day (July 28). Apart from the volunteers, swimmers and beach visitors joined in the action.
Gulliver Travel strives to promote the principles of social responsibility and ecological awareness within its business policies and its strategy. Along with acting responsible in its everyday activities in accordance with the stated principles, this action to mark the Nature Protection Day represents the continuation of our constant involvement in activities of such character.
There were 18 Gulliver volunteers participating in the action joined by swimmers and beach visitors (locals and foreigners). The amount of trash on the beach was in no way obvious. We collected a surprising amount of waste in two hours, altogether 45 kg of trash, including plastic bags, glass, condoms, bottles and dead animals. Since the beach is right next to the park we unfortunately also found a big amount of human faeces.
Action coordinator and TUI Guest Service Manager in Gulliver Travel said: “From technical reasons we marked the Nature Protection Day earlier. Despite a great heat and the occasional unpleasant find, the whole team was in a great mood. When we piled up all the trash collected, we all realised how useful and of utmost importance cleaning events like this are. “
The volunteers were rewarded in the evening with an „after trash party“ sponsored by the company Porto Bussola from Poreč.